(Note: this started out as a Reddit post, but I need a backup - so here it is.)

LivePeer is using a “Merkle air drop” for their tokens, a concept I’ve first seen described by Richard Moore in an article about 4 months ago.

It’s an interesting one, since the mechanism is op-in, preventing some spam. (LivePeer’s particular distribution rules will eventually result in spam, when the “slow start” period ends; but that’s IMO and OT.)

To receive their tokens, one:

  • goes to an IPFS-hosted page;
  • downloads the 100-megabyte “list” (actually a merkle tree) of eligible accounts;
  • looks themselves up in the “list”;
  • submits a proof of being in the “list” to an on-chain contract.

This is rather streamlined when using MetaMask and a fast connection.

But what if one of the two is unavailable at the point where the private key resides?

Checking eligibility / generating the proof

Go to the proof generation page (replace the account address with yours):


Or, if you have a local IPFS node (perhaps with an IPFS Companion plugin):…

(Note that you can’t edit the on-page “Input Data URL” without fiddling with the page source.)

Click “Load” to generate the merkle proof. It will be of the form:


Stitching together transaction data

To claim the token, a transaction must be sent to the MerkleMine contract.

I’ve previously used a MetaMask account to generate a sample transaction:

Function: generate(address _recipient, bytes _merkleProof) ***

MethodID: 0x2c84bfa6
[0]:  000000000000000000000000f75b78571f6563e8acf1899f682fb10a9248cce8 <-- claiming account address
[1]:  0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000040 <-- proof data[] location pointer
[2]:  0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000280 <-- data length
[3]:  ...                                                              <-- start of data

[0] is self-explanatory; [1] will always be a pointer to the same location - 0x40, where the proof data length [2] is; [3] and all the way to the end is the actual proof data (0x6165d6cf... from the previous step).

The item in position [2] will likely require editing, as the length of proof data depends on the location of a node in the merkle tree.

With the 0x prefix, the proof data string is 1410 characters; so - 1408 without the prefix. Each character represents a nibble (half a byte), so that’s 704 bytes. 704 decimal is 0x2c0 hexadecimal.

A Python console helper:

>>> proof = '0x6165d6cf...'
>>> l = (len(proof)-2)/2
>>> datalen = hex(int(l))
>>> print(datalen)

For my non-MetaMask account, the transaction data will look like:

Function: generate(address _recipient, bytes _merkleProof) ***

MethodID: 0x2c84bfa6
[0]:  00000000000000000000000004b3faaa7c8127a80eb6d24672cfdaf4aecabbf8 <-- claiming account address
[1]:  0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000040 <-- proof data[] location pointer
[2]:  00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002c0 <-- data length
[3]:  6165d6cf7369700441b712144d8a84c953dcbe9920b088f970eb502b2f6f1916 <-- start of data
[4]:  ...
[24]: 1e74a86b2f0aceaa39987ce1ee5e1150dc99db6336cca1bf9a005c776d0e3fc3 <-- end of data

I didn’t bother writing code to generate the transaction data to-be-submitted, but stitched it together in a text editor. It’s of the form:


Assembling/signing/submitting the transaction

This depends on the software used - MEW/MyCrypto in offline mode, geth console, parity+ethers.js, web3.py+Infura… In general, the transaction will have:

  • from: the claiming account’s address;
  • to: 0x8e306b005773bee6bA6A6e8972Bc79D766cC15c8;
  • data: the “stitched together” data above (starting with 0x2c84bfa6);
  • gas: 200000 was enough in both cases for me - might work for you, too, if your proof’s length is around the same 700 bytes;
  • gas_price: the usual: tricky (read below);
  • nonce: the usual: the next number after the last transaction’s nonce for a given account.

The transaction is not currently time-critical, so anything that has a chance of getting confirmed within 3 hours would be an “OK” gas price. Check out EthGasStation’s recently-improved transaction pool report page, or use its general front-page estimate.

Published July 19 2018 by veox